"If you're the Queen of California, then baby I'm the King of the Rain."

-Counting Crows "Goodnight Elisabeth"

Thursday 29 September 2011


Blargh; distractions, distractions.

I've been procrastinating on several areas lately, not least this blog. A quick catch up since I last posted:

- I have been offered the new job at work (officially).
- I have been given new hours (longer, different days, more money)
- There's no pay rise in it immediately, but that's because of the nature of the transition (more on that in a sec)
- Summer arrived! About 2 months late.

Anyway, onto the pay. Basically my job will be a slow transition from my current post (Customer Service) to one more IT related. I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing, more that it involves a hell of a lot of different things that all mash together into a job. Don't get me wrong, variety is the spice of life - this just means that my pay will go up when I get into the flow of the job and, when my new boss gets to see if I'm any good at the work he sets me.

On another note, it seems I'll probably be moving out sooner than I expected. This has it's upsides and it's downsides, but overall is something that I've wanted to do for a long while - I just didn't expect it to pair up with the change of pace in my life that was accompanied also by my job change. Aren't things going a million miles an hour: no Ross, you're just lazy and compared to your snail's pace everything seems fast.

Oh well, I'll leave you with a random tablet art picture I did while amusing myself for whatever reason. And if you have no idea who Trogdor is I suggest you watch this.

Monday 19 September 2011

Week on, week off

So so far I haven't learnt anymore about my job upstairs, except I might be having a meeting with some managers and the managing director of the company on Wednesday about my move there. But apparently another source has told me the managing director won't be in until Thursday. I give up.

Give up is a strong phrase, I meant "whatever". It'll happen when it happens.

As such I am nervous for my second driving lesson tomorrow but otherwise happy and looking forward to a day off. It's always a good thing.

Saturday 17 September 2011


So I've been alerted to the fact that I haven't posted here in several days, and I don't really have an excuse for that. My original aim was to keep maintaining this every couple of days but it seems I've cocked up, or more likely have just been heading down a slippery slope into procrastination. Story of my life.

Tomorrow I'm working again (Boo) but one of my most disliked co-workers is leaving! (Yay) But I'm pushing trolleys around like some gormless troll (double boo) oh well, can't win em all..

Over the last week at work we've had an almost total refit of our confectionery department, before it was a few stands with sweets, preserves and crisps on, loomed over by other departments stock which had nowhere else to go - and now it's a brightly lit area with a nice new floor, new shelves and hopefully new stock. I haven't seen it since Friday evening when I was tasked with making an interesting display out of boxes of broken biscuits (I made a pyramid if anyone's curious). So I'm hoping it's christening today while I was on my day off hasn't already reduced it to detritus. I can but hope.

Monday sees me (hopefully) heading upstairs to my new part-time position, or at least finding out my hours for the near future, for which I am quietly optimistic; having been delayed several times over the last week and a half (I've blamed the delays on the refit, and the fact that I have little ground with which to be impatient) I'm hoping that Monday will be more fruitful than before.

Past that is my second driving lesson on Tuesday, which I am nervous for to say the least. My first driving lesson (as I detailed previously) was a big surprise compared to what I was expecting, and I was told that this week's lesson would be even more of a challenge. I don't mind challenges, but driving makes me nervous.

Come Tuesday evening though I shall be much more mellow, or as close to it as I ever get.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Brum brum

I don't know how many people spend their first driving lessons, mine however, was spent driving about 20 miles to Newmarket and back, using all gears including 5th, and going over 60mph.

If I'd been told I was doing this before the lesson, I'd probably have hid and made sure no one knew where I was. In retrospect though, it was fun. I enjoyed driving and I only managed to stall the car once which I imagine isn't bad for a first lesson.

Anyway, apologies for slow progress in blogging lately, I've been nervous about driving and my upcoming "promotion", I call it a promotion because it's less menial work and more IT work which is what I want to do in the long run, though I'm not sure if there's much of a pay rise involved. Regardless, it's better than what I'm doing now and I'm happy for it.

Thursday 8 September 2011


I feel strangely...useless. Now I have an offer pending for a job my constructiveness seems to have gone down the pan. Probably because this whole thing has made me complacent, which is worrying.

Regardless, I've spent a fair amount of time over the last couple of days writing. Nothing public, correspondence to a friend overseas whom I'm trying to keep in contact with; but even this activity has felt the gnawing tug of procrastination upon it. I think some more sleep might help...