I don't know how many people spend their first driving lessons, mine however, was spent driving about 20 miles to Newmarket and back, using all gears including 5th, and going over 60mph.
If I'd been told I was doing this before the lesson, I'd probably have hid and made sure no one knew where I was. In retrospect though, it was fun. I enjoyed driving and I only managed to stall the car once which I imagine isn't bad for a first lesson.
Anyway, apologies for slow progress in blogging lately, I've been nervous about driving and my upcoming "promotion", I call it a promotion because it's less menial work and more IT work which is what I want to do in the long run, though I'm not sure if there's much of a pay rise involved. Regardless, it's better than what I'm doing now and I'm happy for it.
My first driving lesson was spent going round and round the block doing no more than 6mph, so your lesson sounded much more fun (and scary!).